Tanya’s ten top tips to help minimize your legal costs.
Top Tip 2/10
Don’t bury your head in the sand
Family breakdown is especially stressful. It can introduce stress where ideally we experience safety and security. Even when a couple are instructing solicitors to help them start their new (or even ongoing) relationship on the right foot, things can inevitably be stressful.
The instinct for many is to avoid the issue, to bury one’s head in the proverbial sand, and hope that it all goes away. Sometimes the stress a person is experiencing can incapacitate them from taking positive action.
The trouble is, a situation rarely gets better whilst your head is in that sand. It can often just get worse. Getting solicitors in place so help you can ease that stress and get stressful and what feel like impossible jobs off your ‘To Do’ List and onto theirs.
Acting as soon as possible, whatever has already happened, is the very best thing you can do for yourself. If it’s a divorce, then getting some advice as early as possible can save you from avoidable costs and the stress of the other party trying to move things forward when perhaps you aren’t ready. It can also help things progress on a more co-operative, and thus less stressful, footing.
Avoiding an issue will exacerbate your costs. It can also run the risk of you being expected to pay the another party’s costs as well as your own solicitor’s costs. Taking control and getting a solicitor’s help will save in the long run.
Whether it is divorce, sorting out the finances and property, or children and contact or residence matters, getting good legal advice from a family law specialist is by far the best way to limit costs and make sure you are able to move forward in a way that protects you and invests in your and your family’s future.
If you wish to speak with one of our specialist solicitors in confidence please contact us on tel 01622 23 88 54, or by email at If you wish to speak with Tanya or Richard, our family law solicitors, you can call direct on 01622 23 88 54.
Watch this space for Top Tip Number Three.