Tanya’s ten top tips to help minimize your legal costs
Top Tip 7/10

Top Tip Number Seven
It may seem obvious, but often I find myself explaining to a client what I have already said to them in writing.
We solicitors do inevitably work with the written word. On a basic level, it is one of our key skills and we are required in many instances to make sure we have put things down in writing for you. When first instructing a solicitor, there is a fair amount of material they will send you. This is because we are regulated by the Solicitors’ Regulation Authority and our family law solicitors are members of Resolution. This does mean that for our clients’ protection, we are expected to put a lot of information in writing to our clients. It is best that you have read all of this!
As a matter progresses though, you will still receive a fair amount of written communication from your solicitor. If you are instructing us to help you through divorce, financial proceedings or children proceedings, then it’s also invariably a time of stress. So I realise that adding to your To Do List isn’t going to seem particularly helpful. From personal experience, I appreciate that often life feels just too busy to take a moment to read through everything. It is these times though, that can save you money.
Reading your correspondence will save duplication of costs. Taking (or making) a quiet moment to digest what we send you will mean that when we speak, we can make progress for you rather than reiterating advice already offered. Sometimes, when we then speak, we can explore further the advice or options we have already put to you in writing. Other times, if you have already been able to read and digest what we have said in writing, we will be able to use the time discuss other matters entirely. Either way, you will save time and costs if you have been able to take time to read what we have sent you. It is up to you. We will be happy to discuss whatever aspect you need. But saving you costs is important to us as well as to you.
If you wish to speak with one of our specialist solicitors in confidence please contact us on tel 01622 23 88 54, or by email at info@snslaw.co.uk. If you wish to speak with Tanya or Richard, our family law solicitors, you can call direct on 01622 23 88 54.
Watch this space after Christmas for Top Tip Number Eight.